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Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC)

Monday 21 August 2006

Link to the Observatoire sociologique du changement (Sociological Observatory of Change) is a joint sciences-po and CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) research center.

Observatoire sociologique du changement:

Founded in 1988 by Henri Mendras, the OSC is at the same time :

• A Center for Basic Research : Research into the overall dynamics of contemporary societies is organized along three major themes - social stratification and inter-generational relations, the spatial dimension of inequality, lifestyles and deviant behaviour.

• A Center for Comparative Study : The methodology used, at once qualitative and quantitative, brings into play different levels of observation - local, regional, national and international.

• A Center for Education and Doctoral Research, involved at all academic levels of study programs at Sciences Po - the IEP degree program, the Master’s program in Research, and the Doctoral School

• A Center with a wide international network of partnerships